
Over a year of being shut down as a result of COVID-19 and State mandates, the NLM needed to find a way to re-engage potential visitors and bring them back to the museum. In addition to increasing foot traffic, they aimed to capture first-party data for future marketing opportunities.

The Numbers

  • 180,000 unique digital campaign reach: modeled audience of likely customers
  • 5.79% average CTR of digital users driven to take action,  including making a purchase at the site.
  • 30.65%  conversion rate on visitors to www.nixontickets.com

The Impact

We first analyzed 2,500 records of data provided by the client. From that, a profile of the likely visitor was used to create custom-modeled audiences in social media. Further, about 80 search terms were identified for the SEM strategy. The NLM agreed to offer a 20% discount on ticket purchases made online. We created a unique landing page for ticket purchases www.nixontickets.com. All social ads and SEM linked traffic to the site and the media effort was geo-targeted to the areas most likely to be responsive to the offer.