
We were asked to grow support for the annual Salvation Army ‘Red Kettle’ holiday giving campaign, enhancing brand loyalty across a range of target audiences.

The Numbers

We served over 1MM ads to a Salvation Army modelled ‘giving audiences’ that reached 416,894 Facebook users, driving 63,168 people to take action and landing 7,270 engaged people on the associated radio host’s Red Kettle donation capture pages.

We have helped increase giving each year since being retained to support the Salvation Army national giving campaign, growing Salem radio host donations from:

  • 2016 $793,000+
  • 2017 $935,000+
  • 2018 $952,000+
  • 2019 $1.641 MM

The Impact

By identifying the social network of previous donors, we tested a number of different ad messages and consistently refined audience models to optimize the effectiveness of those messages. We combined this with a unique ‘embedded’ campaign with key influencers. Messages were conveyed LIVE by the influencer in the fabric of their respective shows.